Saturday, February 20, 2010

Olympic Fever

I haven't posted much lately, but I have a good excuse.  The Olympics are on.

I love the Olympics.  I love sports in general, but there is something about the Olympics that I just can't get enough of.  I even religiously watch events I know nothing about (alping skiing anyone?).  Not only that, I get very into them, sitting on the edge of my seat, willing our Canadian athletes to greatness.  I swear, all our gold medals have come because of how hard I have gripped the edge of my couch, and how strongly I have willed them on.  We have another week to go and some or our biggest events to come.  I may have an ulcer at the end of all this.  Fortunately, my husband shares my "olympic fever" so I never have to worry about someone wanting to change the channel. 

While watching these games, I have been struck (once again) by the amazing dedication it takes to become an elite athlete.  The years of training, their focus, and of course, the money that goes into them being able to achieve their's astounding.  I don't think I've ever had that much singlemindedness toward anything (not even eating, and I love food).  The high that comes from achieving your goal -- the goal you've been working toward for four years (or longer) -- must be unbelievable.  I also can't imagine the devastation of not even being able to compete due to injury, or "wiping out" mid race and not finishing.  Even if you weren't favoured to win a medal, everyone deserves to try.  I can't imagine training years and years for something and wiping out off the starting gate. 

But that's the point.  The point is, these athletes work HARD for that moment...the moment to just try.  How often do we sit back and convince ourselves that it would be easier to do nothing, or keep things the way they've always been?  How often do we worry about what others will think of us, or don't bother talking about the changes we're trying to make because we don't want to be judged?  How often do we think to ourselves "I just can't be bothered to justify this one more time so I'm giving up"? 

Recently, I was privvy to a very wise woman saying "I'm a much better mom now than I was 7 years ago".  She was speaking in reference to her days as a mother to toddlers (her kids are now in school).  My first thought was THANK GOD!  I don't want to be the same person/wife/mother 10 years from now that I am today.  I'm pretty glad that today I'm not the person I was 10 years ago.  I want to keep pushing myself to grow and become better.  To keep learning and changing, to become a deeper, more involved woman. 

I will continue to make changes to make myself better.  I'm going to make mistakes, and I'm going to fall short some days.  I'll work hard for my moment to try, and today might be the day I wipe out.  But I'm going to get back up, shake myself off, and keep working so I can try again.  Trying, even if you fail, often provides us the best learning opportunities. 

So I say enjoy the ride.  Enjoy the try. 


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