Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February blahs

It's true...there really is such a thing as February blahs.  And I have them IN SPADES.

The last few days have been ...challenging.  Everything seems to be setting me off.  My patience level is at an all-time low, and I think the kids can sense it.  Scratch that...I KNOW the kids can sense it.  I'm irritated with everyone and everything. 

I'm irritated that the baby's sleep patterns are so crazy.  There is no rhyme or reason for it, and no predictability.  I'm exhausted from a few nights in a row of multiple wake-ups...and large amount of wakeful periods during the night.  The upside is that his daytime naps have gotten REALLY good, and today he actually put himself to sleep.  So what gives at night?

The toddler has been a HUGE challenge lately.  I'm sure today part of the problem was that I was so NOT calm.  I was the opposite of calm.  He was also tired and hungry and not very good at expressing that (unless you count constantly crying as "expression".  If so, then he was really good at it).  I'm irritated that he was not very good all day, and then when daddy gets home he's an absolute angel. 

I need a break.

I'm very lucky.  My husband is amazing at helping out with the kids, especially when I'm maxed at the end of the day.  I try and get out once a week with friends, or to do some shopping by myself on the weekends.  I'm never questioned on why I need to "get out". 

The trouble is, my "getting out" is always around the kids' schedule.  I can't ever leave until the baby is fed and in bed.  My daytime trips are limited to between feeds.  My "shopping" trips are to the grocery store, the drug store, or the market.  For essentials.  I'm desperate for a pedicure and a hair cut.  I'm desperate for a day away, all day, all night.  But it's going to be awhile before that can happen. 

I'm hoping a good night's sleep gives me back my perspective.  And my calm. 


At February 3, 2010 at 4:49 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

Saturday will be good then! Hope you had a good night!

At February 3, 2010 at 10:11 AM , Blogger Sheila's Adventures said...

We have the same issues my friend. Just remember you are not alone! Love you!

PS. I am up for a pedi anytime! Let's book it or lunch at least without the kidlets.


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