Sunday, January 24, 2010


How do you make time stand still?  If someone has the answer, please let me know.

My kids are growing up too fast.  Every child I know is growing up too fast.  Last night, we spent the evening with the toddler's play group.  We've been together as a group since the kids were about 8 weeks old.  We reminisced last night about how the kids all used to fit on one blanket side-by-each, they'd sit still and we (the moms) could drink tea, eat our snacks and visit.  Looking around last night, it was amazing to see them all running around, playing with each other, going to the potty, talking in sentences...they're all such little people now.  It makes me sad to think of how fast time has gone by when all I want to do is hold on tightly to each moment.  We're all on second babies now (some recently delivered, some newly pregnant) and it is so much fun to see the group growing.  I love these women.  They kept me grounded during my first maternity leave.  Seeing them each week gave me social time, but also gave me a safe place where I could just be myself.  I love their kids.  I love that soon there will be more of their kids to love.  

I want these kids to stop getting bigger!!!

I managed to overcome my first food challenge last night too.  We got together over dinner so there was pizza ordered.  Of course, all I wanted to do was eat it...lots of it...but I went prepared with veggies, hummus and a stirfry and felt good afterwards that I had kept with my plan.  Not only that, but I was surrounded by people who understood what I was doing and didn't try to sabotage me by encouraging me to "cheat". 

I love these women.  If you do nothing else with your life, find women who encourage you and support you.  They truly are a blessing.


At January 24, 2010 at 3:36 PM , Blogger Sheila's Adventures said...

So are you!

At January 24, 2010 at 5:13 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

Sigh! I think I have found that group of women! So glad you were able to stay on the plan too!!


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