Friday, February 5, 2010

Excuses, excuses....

I HATE excuses.  I always find myself getting unreasonably angry whenever someone is giving me an excuse for something.  Not when it's legitimate.  I mean, if you're sick and cancelling plans with me, I'm okay with that.  Or if you have to change a date we've had set for months because a family member died...again, totally okay with that.

It's the useless excuses that I hate.  You know the kind...the kind that just scream "I can't be bothered so I'm telling this little lie/big lie to get me out of x".  That's the kind I hate.  I seem to have less and less patience for that the older I get. 

Maybe it all comes back to my absolute hatred of lying.  My father is a classic liar.  Problem is, he doesn't see it that way.  He's the kind of man that has lived so many lies for so long, they've all become truth to him.  I've had to get rid of "friends" who behaved that same way -- I just can't tolerate it when people can't live in the truth. 

I've spent the better part of the last 6 years trying to become my authentic self.  And yes, that "self" keeps growing and changing the older I get.  The more life I live, the more I grow.  But I want to keep becoming a better version of myself.  I'm going to fail, I'm going to fall down and I'm absolutely going to make mistakes.  However, I feel every mistake made is a lesson learned.

So here are my current excuses (that I'm trying very hard to overcome!):

1.  I'm too tired. 
2.  It's not my stuff, so why should I clean it up? 
3.  I'm too busy with taking care of two children to get to it. 
4.  I'm too tired. (I realize I've said that already, but it's a common one I use)
5.  I have to wait for my husband to help me. 

Up to this point, I've made these excuses to avoid dealing with the uncontrolled clutter in my house/basement/laundry room.  I've felt like I haven't been sacrificing myself, so it hasn't been that big of a deal.  But I realize now, I AM sacrificing myself.  I'm frustrated and stressed by the clutter and mess.  I am tired of going to other people's homes and feeling jealous of how organized they are.  I'm organized in my head, and I long for a tidy environment (of course, as I say that, I'm sitting here blogging while looking at the mountain of toys strewn about my living room...sigh).

So honey, you're on notice -- I'm on a mission to get our basement cleaned out so we can actually use that space.  I guarantee you'll appreciate the better version of me you get when our house is tidy.  :)


At February 5, 2010 at 4:33 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

Oh Shannon! Once again, have you seen my house? Don is on notice now!! I hope you are able to sort through the mess and move forward so your home matches your mind (I am in no way saying your house is messy by the way)!!

At February 6, 2010 at 4:25 PM , Blogger Sheila's Adventures said...

I know you will do it!!! I keep trying to get back to the basement but this week is now done. Maybe tomorrow! Stay strong friend.


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